I have three quick things to share with you, and then I am “blasting off”-line to a wedding reception!  πŸ™‚

1.  If you haven’t seen my “pre-training camp” update video and would like to, well… there it is!  πŸ™‚  If you get a chance, please thank Ericka Springstead for doing such a wonderful job!  πŸ™‚  Speaking of updates, if you would like to subscribe to my blog so that you get an email when I update (this will be especially handy while I am overseas!), click here and enter your email address.

2.  Support-wise, many people are wondering where I am at!  According to my support account with Adventures in Missions, I am still in need of $2,796.  I am also believing God for an addition $700 to cover costs such as storage insurance on my car while I am overseas, plane tickets to and from training camp, etc.  If you’d like to donate to my support account for my trip, click here.  To give to me personally, please email me or find me in person so that we can discuss this.  

3. Today I was reading in Matthew 5, and many times have I read verse three where it says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs”.  Honestly, “poor in spirit” always sounded like a bad thing to me, so I never really understood the meaning of that verse.  When I read it today in the NLT version, it clicked: “Blessed are those who… realize their need for Him”.  Please pray with me this week that I would realize my need for God, and not just my need for salvation, but my need for Him in every area!
Time to BLAST OFF!  πŸ™‚  …and this is me blasting off!  Hardy har har!  πŸ˜‰
Have a wonderful day, I love you.