My hosts month 1 in Serbia were incredible, for several reasons. 1- they were from Texas. Not only Texas, but they lived in Houston for a good while and new pretty much exactly where I grew up. Small world. 


I could list out a million things they did right and a million things I loved about them, but they taught me an invaluable phrase that I want to share with all the future racers and world travelers.




This is Not America.


It seems like such a simple thought, well duh, I’m in Bulgaria, of course it isn’t America. But it’s not about the physical location, more about what is around you.


Ice cold showers? TINA.

The stove turns off when you turn on the water? TINA.

You have to buy ketchup at McDonalds? TINA.

Why are the coffee cups so small? TINA.

Why is there a toilet in my shower? TINA.

The food is weirdly lukewarm? TINA.

Your host grabs your love handles? TINA.


I can’t tell you all how many times I’ve said that word these few first months. More so than that, I can’t reiterate how much it’s helped me. That simple phrase has helped me to find the laughter in the smallest of things, instead of letting my anger get the best of me. It’s helped me celebrate the differences. I’m thankful for all the differences, because it means I get to see how other people and cultures live; and live alongside them. Today, (maybe just today), I’m thankful for TINA. 




P.s.- here’s a picture of me, dressed ready for success at 5 am. Also I hadn’t showered in 5 days. #worldrace