We were asked to write an essay called “This I Believe” about what really matters to us, as preparation for this world missions adventure called the World Race. This is what I believe…well… a small piece of it anyhow.

We all have an empty void within ourselves. A hole. We try and fill it with different things. I myself have tried filling it with rock climbing gear, make up and high heels, chocolate, good deeds. These things are not bad, but they were not filling me. I thought if I just had the newest skis, or J. Crew sweater I would be satisfied and fill the void. If I could just love people better, be prettier, or do nicer things, then I would be satisfied…not so.

We are disconnected and we know it. We always want more and nothing is ever enough in this world. We obsess about things and once we get them, we are left feeling empty and confused. Then, we are off looking for a new addiction or obsession to try once more. Thus repeating a visious pattern and downward spiral. I believe we try and cram stuff into this hole, but nothing fits.

Actually something does fit. It is a God shaped hole, and only He can fill it! He wants us to grow in Him. We are him with skin on! Okay but I am not saying, “You believe in God and then you are fine, and life is easy and fun and you never desire anything worldly ever again.” No, I am definitley not saying that! But God desires to fill us as much as we can be on this earth, His way, not ours. I met a great man (Andrew Shearman) who said, “Yes it is hard, and yes it hurts, but that’s what makes it so great!” I agree. He also said, “Rise up man/woman of God!” Sometimes we have to cleanse all the junk from our lives that we were trying to fill our lives with, but it just doesn’t fit.

I believe in a God who fills the void that nothing else can.