Have you ever heard of ATL? It stands for “Ask The Lord.”

Before training camp I had not really heard of this concept. When one is seeking guidance in from Him…just ask. Ask what The Lord’s will is and where He wants you to go? Who does He want you to minister pray for? Then wait and see what He does. You could be given a vision, a still quiet voice, a sense of urgency, scripture, or sometimes you will get nothing!

Now, I am not one of the people in this world who has heard God’s audible voice, but I have been listening. I have been listening for him extra hard this week at The World Race Training Camp. In this instance, I didnt ask…but HE spoke!

Today we were given the freedom to leave The Adventures In Missions campus for lunch. Myself and 3 other girls loaded up into Chad’s car and we were driving back to campus after a nice lunch at a Mexican Restaurant. One of the girls wanted to stop quickly at a gas station for a pack of gum. This is where it gets interesting….

I am waiting in the car with the others for Jane to come back and I am looking out the window. I see a gruff looking large man with a big beer belly, bushy beard and glasses come out of the gas station convienience store and walk to his truck. In my head, my thoughts I hear, “Pray for him.” I close my eyes and ask God to bless him and whatever he is going through. And open my eyes, thinking..”Okay I prayed for him.” But then in my thoughts I hear, “Pray for him.”

Timidly I interupt the rest of the car’s conversation and say, “I think we are supposed to pray for that guy over there. “So we all bow our heads, and I ask the Lord to bless this guys once more. We raise our heads, and I got the feeling, that God wanted more. About this time I am noticing he is not getting in his truck to drive off. This man is lingering.

I said to the rest of the car, “Should we go and ask to pray with him?” And Valentina says, “I feel like we should.” Natalie jumps right in and says, “Okay! I’ll go with you.”

I am thinking….”Whoa God! I mean if you are sure…”

Natalie and I hopped out the car and approach this some-what scruffy man. And I tell him that I believe God is asking me to pray for him, and I am sorry if that weirds you out but can I?

He hesitated, but I could tell this man was receptive and wanted it. He told us he was a little weirded out but yes we could pray for him. his name is Ronnie. Ronnie said, “I have 2 daughters about your age.” As if he was touched that WE would to pray for HIM. I asked him if he was a believer and he said he was. He held out his hands, and right there, in the middle of the gas station convieience store….we bowed our heads.

Now Ronnie didnt share a whole lot about his life. But he knows now that God cares and I care. I know a seed was planted in Him. I am wondering what he thought about the rest of the day. I know I was thinking of Ronnie. I know the spirit was working in his heart before I appraoched him.

How many times in life have I missed out on something likes this? I could have easily ignored my thoughts and continued about my day. I will probably never know what Ronnie was really thinking or going through, but I know I need to continue listening to that still quiet voice of the Lord my God!!

I know this is only the beginning of a wild ride. I can’t wait to see what God has planned next!!!