Hello Friends!
This past summer I realized I was very unsure about my identity. I questioned who I was. I thought, am I a Penn State student? A follower of Jesus? A sister? A daughter? A restaurant employee? A local State College townie? Who am I? As these questions came to the for front of my mind I became weary that I really was not sure of my identity.
I have had dreams of traveling the world and experiencing God outside of America since I first started a relationship with Jesus in 2005. So when my identity crisis and college graduation became a reality I remembered friends talking about this thing where teams of 50 people ages 21 to 30 would travel across the globe with a christian organization. Less than a month after having the thought who am I? I researched and applied for The World Race, not to be confused with The Amazing Race, and low in behold- I got accepted! The thought IS THIS REAL raced through my mind, did I really just get accepted to travel the world with the goal of bringing people hope and freedom? …Sweet man. I couldn’t believe it! It was almost instantaneous, as soon as I got accepted I felt comfortable in who I was becoming. I felt the freedom to accept that my identity comes from my relationship with God. I can not wait to actually live out my dream of traveling the world, learning from different cultures, and experiencing God in completely unfamiliar settings. I am so excited !!!
Here are a few more details about what I’m doing and who I’m going with…I will serve as a missionary through the organization, Adventures in Missions(AIM), with their World Race program. The World Race is an 11-month Christian mission trip to 11 different countries around the world. I personally will be traveling to Romania, Ukraine, India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Thaliand, Cambodia, Malaysia and the Philippines. On the World Race, my team and I will serve in partnership with churches and ministries in local communities to preach the Gospel, work in orphanages, minister to women and children who are trapped in prostitution as a result of human trafficking, and bring hope to those who may be hopeless. I also plan to invest in the communities I visit, getting to know individual people and learning from their varying and diverse lives.
In order for this trip to happen I need to raise $15,000 dollars. I also will need some serious prayer, for God to be glorified, and the health and safety of myself and the team. I myself will be saving up as much money as I can through waitressing, dog sitting and baby sitting. If you are able and willing to give financially, support can be given as a one-time gift or as monthly donation, wherein you choose the amount and beginning and end date. If 25 people pledge $50 a month for 12 months, I would have 100 percent of the funds necessary for my trip!!!
If you chose to mail a check please make it out to Adventures In Missions, and mail them to PO Box 534470, Atlanta, GA, 30353-4470, with BruceAllison-13W0704 in the memo.
If you would prefer to make a donation online, you may do so by clicking the “Support Me” link in the upper left side of this page and complete your donation as instructed.
I also will be selling T-shirts for $25 if you would like to purchase one- mail a check and a note with your shirt size to Ali Bruce 1419 Estate Drive, Boalsburg PA 16827.
Thank you!!!!
Ali Bruce