A person’s perception is their reality. Even if the perception itself is false, if a person believes it as their reality it rings true in their life… And everything in your life stems from what you accept and believe as truth.

In my life I have lived under three main false pretenses that I have accepted as truth.

  • I’m not lovable.

  • I’m not worth loving

  • I’m not enough


Pretty damaging stuff, huh? Yeah, I agree.

… That moment when you become aware of Satan’s attacks in your life…

For the past 24 years, I have lived my life tangled up in chains of false realities formed by the lies Satan has spoke over me… I wasn’t even aware of all of his many advances towards the deterioration of my soul until recently. Satan works best behind the scenes; he’s most effective when you’re not aware of him… But God has opened my eyes.


It’s time to stand up against Satan, to battle for your soul, to armor yourself with God’s truth and to stop allowing the Evil buggar to drag you down into his miry pit of lies. Lies, I tell you, lies! Don’t waste one more second of your precious life giving the Devil power over you and strongholds in your soul.

I want to take a moment to be vulnerable and invite you into my process of breaking Satan’s chains in my life and being set free in Christ. IT’S A PROCESS. And everyone’s process looks different accept for one thing – Christ. You can’t fight Satan on your own, you need God by your side. God sent His one and only Son to save you from the damnation that Satan so hungrily desires to condemns you to.

My process started with God opening my eyes in awareness to Satan’s attacks. My eyes were opened not all at once but little by little. God has made me aware of Satan’s destruction by speaking HIS ABSOLUTE TRUTH each and every day of this race, (through prayer, the Word, people, and circumstances). And through His unconditional love and grace, I am beginning to shed off the many layers of lies that I’ve clothed my identity with. I am casting off my chains and dressing in the light, love, and worth defined by my Creator.

But even after the darkness in your life is brought into illumination, the impact of living in darkness for so long is not easily undone. Your spiritual eyes and ears are sensitive to the light. It takes time to cast off the shadows that have collected in your soul after being clouded in darkness by the Evil one. And every day is a battle, brace yourself. Take a deep breath, God is with you in this war waged against the schemes of hell, every step of the way. The Devil doesn’t like it when you’re made aware of his presence and destruction, it takes away his advantage. So he comes up with new strategies to weaken you and take you as his prisoner of war. Satan hates losing, and he will never receive a good sportsmanship award; he plays dirty. Satan doesn’t know your future, but he is well aware of your past and He will use it against you time and time again. Don’t let him, ain’t nobody got time fo dat. God created you in His image, so don’t don the mask that Satan wants you to wear. You are a child of God, not a kin of the Devil.

After God opened my eyes, my next step was to recognize and acknowledge the lies that I’ve believed and accepted as truth in my life. Satan’s lies are like a disease that spreads throughout your entire body. They’ll affect every aspect of your life, your identity and worth, your relationships, your dreams, everthing. The Devil’s lies are like weeds, they can grow and thrive in a variety of climates/atmospheres if you let him plant them, and they will choke out the life of everything good and true if you don’t take the time to do some spiritual assessment and pruning of the soul. Your reliable and powerful gardening tools: God’s Word, His absolute truth – it’s all at your fingertips.

So in my journal I wrote out the lies Satan planted in my life and that I have unintentionally nurtured for far too long.

Be honest with yourself, take time and write out all the ugliness; bring everything into the light that it may not have power over you any longer. It’s hard, I understand. It’s messy and it won’t look pretty; do it anyway.

Write the lies out. Cross them out.

Replace them with God’s truth.

** Part 2 of this blog will be highlighting the truths that God is speaking into my life and yours. Stay tuned.***


A page out of my journal summarizing the main lies that I allowed to take root in my life…but… NOT NO MORE! God’s a supernatural weed killer. The Holy Spirit is the perfect cure for the Devil’s disease.