Alexis’s WR Christmas Wish List <—— Amazon Wish List
As we enter the Christmas season and my preparation for the World Race enters crunch time… I am short on time and tight on budget.
I am so amazed at God’s grace and goodness in all the ways that He has used the people in my life to support me in the mission that He has called me to. And I am so thankful for His birth that we remember not only in December, but every month through out the year. God’s gift to us, His own son, is the best gift that we will ever receive!
I have all my necessary gear, but there are a few things that I would like to take/have with me but unfortunately am not able to do with my own budget presently; all my funds have been divided up for necessary expenditures.
So, if you’re feeling willing and able, check out my Amazon WR Christmas wishlist, where I have noted a few kindle edition books I would like to download onto my tablet for extracurricular reading and growth on the race, as well as a luxury item (a hammock and bug net). If you would like to donate these items to me, please let me know. 🙂
This has all been a very humbling experience, and I am so thankful for each and every one of you, and sharing in this experience with me.
With love, God’s blessings this season,