The first question I am asked when telling others about my plan to become a missionary on the World Race is “Why?”

That should have a simple answer…why not?

But recently I sat down to really reflect upon my decision to commit to the Race, and why I believe God has called me to serve with this program. 

For one, God has given me a passion for volunteering and service work for as long as I can remember. My favorite extracurriculars throughout my time in college have almost always been service-oriented activities. Since freshman year, I have volunteered in a children’s hospital ER, at an Autism center for young adults, at a community center for refugee children, at an emergency shelter for children and teens, etc. and I have thoroughly enjoyed each and every one of these programs.

 Working with so many inspirational children and young adults over the years has humbled me and given me a great deal of perspective. At the same time, it has opened my eyes to the reality of suffering and hardship within these children’s lives. Such suffering is a reality for many children—God never promised that life would be easy or fair. However, He has promised something: His unconditional love, protection, and guidance to children (and adults) that come to know and love Him. What a joy it would be for those suffering in the world to know the love the Lord has for each one of them, and the hope they can always place in Him!

And what a joy it would be for me to have the opportunity to make known this Good News to the children and adults in our ministries while engaging in meaningful service projects. 

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms”. 1 Peter 4:10

But why the World Race specifically?

The World Race is unique in that it encourages its Racers to not only go and serve others, but also to become fully immersed in these ministries, to drop the known in favor of the unknown, and to effectively live a life completely foreign to the proverbial American lifestyle. For 11 months, my closet will be a backpack, my bedroom will be a tent, and my trust in God will be my only road map. The comforts of my life here in the U.S. that I am blessed enough to have will not follow me on the race, and neither will my family and friends. But my God, the God Who calls me to depend on Him alone, will follow me. 

In this manner, I will learn to live a life that is a little less about me. A little less about my friends, my school, my apartment, my homework, my job, my needs, my goals, my plans, my this, my that. I will learn to live a life that is more about Him. More about His ability to work through our team to positively affect others, His lessons that will be taught to our team on the ministry field, and His wholly awe-inspiring love that fuels this entire journey.

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33  


I am so excited for this opportunity to make Him known and make Him first! Please continue to pray for me as I prepare for my departure in August. 


