Some things just can’t be measured. The past 10 days in Gainesville, GA for training camp was no exception. After interesting sleeping arrangements, lots of sweat, meals we didn’t know the name of, bucket showers, porta-potty life, and having no idea what each day was going to entail, I learned to find joy in the unknown and embrace the uncomfortable.

My entire training camp experience can be summed up in one verse: Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. (Ephesians 3:20)

I’ve been struggling trying to craft into words what training camp was like…and I don’t know if I can fully articulate it, but I can tell you a bit of what I learned:

  1. God is not concerned about me being comfortable
  2. The Holy Spirit lives and dwells in every son and daughter of Christ.
  3. Don’t live for God’s approval, live FROM his approval.
  4. The three best things in our walk with the Lord is community, the Holy Spirit, and God’s word.

I realized that I constantly limit the ability of our mighty God, and I put him in this box trying to measure his power, but He is limitless and will break every seam of that box over and over again if that is what it takes for me to see him more clearly. Training Camp stretched me beyond what I thought I was capable of- physically and spiritually. I learned to expect opposition, embrace sacrifice, and enjoy the challenge.

God took me deeper than I thought my feet could wander, he was with me in my wrestling and my doubts, he lead me with great love, he showed me that the same power that rose Jesus from the grave lives in me! And just like in Ephesians, God showed up to accomplish infinitely more than I even thought to think or ask!  

Training Camp also prepared my heart for what God is already doing around the world. And my first glimpse of this will be in Kampala, Uganda working with a ministry called Suubi House. Suubi is translated to the English word “hope”. Suubi House is a community center committed to equipping children with special needs and their families with the tools and resources for long term success, and to improve their daily quality of life.

 Also, I have some people I want to introduce you to!

Meet the Team Leaders who will become my extended family as we journey through this adventure together.

Meet Team Parresia. These are the 6 beautiful women I get to do ministry with! Parresia is a Greek word meaning: speaking freely with confidence, boldness, and cheerful courage. In Acts 4, the disciples pray for courage and boldness as they share the word of God. And as a team, we mimic that prayer.

This is Z Squad. The people who have become family, the risk takers and adventures, the crazies who love Jesus, the people I get to share with all that God is doing around the world.

AND… the 3 Must-Have “H’s” that I can’t imagine not having at TC:

  • Headlamp
  • Hammock
  • Hand Fan

So thank you to everyone who has joined me on this journey and helped get me to where I am at. And just remember, the same power that rose Jesus from the dead, lives in YOU too!