A few of my teammates in our front yard! Our view and house was unreal…we were overlooking the city and Lake Victoria. [Note for future racers: this house is NOT typical on the race…sorry 🙂 ]

 Just hanging out in our cute house with our neighbors dog, Rola

It was a nightmare to get into the city, Kampala. We were there a lot to get bibles and visiting the babies home.

Divine: one of the prayer warriors at the church with her new Bible that we were able to have donated to the church members

Christ Miracle Center on our last Sunday in Namulanda. They were great!

Yes, these kids are all this cute. We had an army of them follow us everyday as we were visiting houses.

 Enough said.

More village children!

Deborah, a member of the church, and her two precious boys after we gave her a Bible

[Read my last blog for this story] Annette, Joel and Samali the first day we met them

I fell in LOVE with this beautiful girl

Samali 🙂 For information on adoption visit Sanyu Babies Home

Hope yall enjoy these photos by my amazing teammate, Ginger Larson! We are currently in Tanzania right now working with a pastor and his church preaching and doing door-to-door evangelism. We will be heading to three different villages living alongside tribes for the rest of the month, so I will update when I can. Thanks for your support and love over the past 10 months!