Faith without action is dead.

This passage from James 2 has been on my mind and heart a lot for the past couple of weeks. so much so, that i've gone to blog about it several times and haven't quite been able to find the words to say.

Today, I received a package from a family friend. The package contained a really sweet note and a book that had been written by an eight year-old boy about human trafficking in Cambodia after he heard a missionary at church speak about the injustices going on there. All of the proceeds from the book go towards Agape International Missions and the International Justice Mission, both incredible organizations. You can watch an interview with the author and his family at the end of the post. And check out their website here.

faith without action is dead.

There's a really incredible worship song by Lincoln Brewster that we sing at church. Along with praying through James 2 a lot recently, I've also listened to this song on repeat a lot. the whole thing is inspiring and so good, but this gets my attention everytime:

"and i will live,to carry your compassion. to love a world that's broken, to be your hands and feet. and i will give with the life that i've been given and go beyond religion, to see the world be changed, by the power of Your name."

this is truly the cry of my heart right now. & i sincerely  hope that it always is.

faith without action is dead.

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." James 1:27