Ben and I went to St. Vladymir’s Cathedral on Easter Eve. The traditional service started at 11:30 pm. Easter Baskets are a BIG deal. Instead of candy and goodies they are filled with the food you will eat on Sunday. People take them to church to be blessed by the minister. They were everywhere. Most had Easter bread which looks like a gorgeous giant cupcake with white funfetti icing, but really just dry raisin bread!

The service was conducted in an ancient Slavic tongue, and the prime minister of Ukraine was there! So truthfully, I was bored and restless some of the time, but it was so authentic it was awesome. At 12:30, the bishop in all his glory (followed by a bunch of important people and then everyone else in the church) led everyone in a grand procession around the church to symbolize Christ’s death. The Church bells rang and everyone chanted, “Christ Has Risen” (In Russian!)  amongst other prayers several times before we went back in the church.

SO many people were there, fully aware of the traditions that have always been. I wonder how many know the great intimate love Christ has for them. I think that is why hanging out with college students and hearing about their lives fills me so much.  Every conversation that allows me into their world also shows them mine. They may not care for the truth now, but I have utter faith that Christ will pierce their hearts just like He has mine. If i love a few of them after knowing them only a few short weeks, then i can rest that their creator loves them infinitely more and will woo them.

PS: We decorated Easter Eggs in the afternoon
and then the girls went to Swan Lake at the Opera House!