“Well she was an American girl, Raised on promises, She couldn’t help thinkin that there
Was a little more to life, Somewhere else, After all it was a great big world
With lots of places to run to.”
~Tom Petty
This week: Dallas-Colorado-California- Tomorrow the Philippines. LOL! What greatness.
Tuesday Feelings: I did it! I am on the plane. I successfully survived my hardest goodbye, to my mom and my best friends. I think it made it easier that true to form, even though I arrived at the airport an hour and a half early I still had to cut in front of people, and run to my gate because I was late for my flight. It was worth it right guys? Look at the faces of my loved ones who thought it was worth getting up before 5am on a work day to hang out with me my last hour in Dallas. These folks have my heart through and through.
Colorado Lessons- I could sum up my time in Colorado with one word, intriguing. In hanging out with Dan and his friends and family for 2 days I was able to catch a tiny glimpse into his world, and I left with this excitement to really get to know each of my teammates;
my team of 6 and my 50+ squad. I felt such pain leaving my people in Dallas that I wondered, what it would be like to start over. Well I’m intrigued. I met Joel (another teammate) at the airport and as we talked about this trip I again was hit with how people are just so interesting! Dan with his uncontainable joy and redneck ways, Joel with his microbiology textbook, and “the great outdoors,” heart are just the beginning of the many personalities I will come in contact with this year. People who come from all over the country, have all sorts of ideas bouncing around their heads, think differently than me, but at their core love Jesus with all their heart. I am excited to serve alongside my team and grow to love them, because of whom they truly are. With Christ as our common unifier and because He is outside and inside of us, I expect to learn and see great things that can only occur through the community living we will be place in. Like I said I’m intrigued.
* The Rockies captured my heart. Such beauty! I can say I felt small, amongst the mountains but when you are standing high up on a huge rock and you hear true silence and everywhere you look are mountains and valleys and more mountains, small becomes miniscule. And yet I was still fully me because my delight was such that it grew in an attempt to wrap itself, around all that my eyes feasted on. Oh and yeah I have a new 2nd favorite tree, it’s called the Aspen. My goodness. My jaw dropped when I saw my first grove of golden Aspens. Sabrina, it was very Lord of the Rings-ish.
California Dreaming: I love this place. I was a little shocked whilst zipping through traffic with Sarah that just this morning I was surrounded by nature, and now I ha
d to strain to see the San Gabriel’s through the buildings. Then I just smiled because California is so well California. I love it. I’m here with 3 of my favorite girls; Sarah, Elizabeth, Courtney and my dad! We are trekking through our rad plans of mountains, beach, Dodgers, and In-n-Out. I am sooo happy here that I want to STAY, but I can’t so instead I am embracing every moment I get! Here in CA is great way to end my last days in the U.S. (sorry I’m being melodramatic again! I can’t help it!)
Bryan Adams, Don Adams, Kate Airhart, Joel and Genelle Andersen, Jessica Appel, Arthur Family, Lexi Beraducci, Alex Blackmon, Adam and Kristen Bisgard, Dave and Portia Bisgard, Jack and Lynne Carpenter, Mary Daberkow, Rachel Farrar, Berenice Felix Diaz, Mary Fulton, Goiricelaya Family, Lauren Griffin, Amy and Hersson Herrera, Juan Pablo and Sol Herrera, Kathy Hobson, Rhonda Houston, Igelsia del Maestro, Imaizumi Family, Janet James, Margaret McCarter, Mcquitty Family, Yolanda Murillo, Bryanna Narino, Graciela Narino, Tonya Norman, Rob and Sara Parnell, Carlos and Claudia Pinzon, Andrew Reyes, Adrian and Rosa Ramirez, Melissa Ranck, Rosenquist Family, Paul and Graylene Spain, Adrienne Sieffers, Katherine Schnel, Crystal Sprague, Courtney Stricklin, Tom and Elaine Stricklin, Steve Tobias, Sabrina Tucker, Sofia Velazquez
Thank you for your love and support as I embark on this journey. Your prayers, encouragement, and generous giving have made this trip possible and I am completely in your debt. I can’t wait to share my stories! Much Love!
I leave tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Weird.