In August 2011, I signed up for the World Race after a friend in Campus Crusade told me about it.  I’ve always wanted to see the world and I’m thinking about doing missions in the future, so I thought this would be a great experience.  In fact, 3 of my good friends at NC State (Justin, Caleb, and Amanda) signed up for the Race and we were all set to leave in July.  But, as the months went by and the stresses of life mounted, my excitement waned.  I was so focused on graduating and applying to medical school that I put the World Race on the back burner.
Then training camp happened.
God knocked my socks off! These people are CRAZY!!! They are completely sold out for God in every possible way! In one week, my family grew by about 70, I learned more about God and felt closer to him than I have in months, even years, and I gained a passion for sharing the Gospel that I have never felt. Whew!! If all that happened in one week, I can’t imagine what will happen over the next 11 months!
Now, some introductions are in order!

This is my new family, I Squad! They are all so amazing and I wish you could meet each of them.

Here is the team that I have the privilege of leading for the next season of life. We are Team Ignite! We chose that name because we want to help ignite a fire in people's hearts for God. From left to right we have: Erin, John, Beth, Caitlin, Alex (that's me fyi), Cory and Keyasha.

I still have no idea what I've gotten myself into and this has been nothing like I what I expected. In my admittedly short time doing mission work, I've found its best to write in pencil and let go of expectations. God is working and I love being a part of it!!