Oh man, I'm not good at this introspective kinda stuff…
This past year God has been very busy, completely changing nearly EVERYTHING in my life. In this time, He's taken a self-centered, self-reliant, prideful (this list could get pretty long, so I'll stop myself here) soldier with no concept of radical obedience to Him and somehow, in that way that only He is capable, molded and shaped me into becoming a man who is so aware of His holiness and my imperfection, that praising, serving, worshiping Him is the only thing that makes sense anymore.
My free time (I have a lot now that I'm a civilian again) is no longer filled with flashy lights or whatever it was that held my attention so captive all these years… Oh no… instead, I constantly find myself engulfed by a desire for evangelism. I can usually be found under the Person St. bridge with an ever changing tent community of the local homeless who are desperately in need of the Gospel and yet regularly are overlooked. Praise God, we have brothers and sisters living down there (and in other camps) who are being built up to continue to proclaim God's immeasurable riches of grace and mercy!!!
Some random things I can think of about myself…
I've played guitar for about 12 years now π I sure do love guitar π
I have the absolute BEST AND MOST AWESOME sidekick… my Parson Russell Terrier named Bubba π
I tear through books like they have an expiration date of Tomorrow…
I've jumped out of a LOT of different airplanes and helicopters…
The only thing on my bucket list is to pet either a lion, or a tiger…
I will probably cry at least twice (when no one is watching) just because of how much I'll miss Bubba :*(
I ask lots of difficult ?'s that I honestly don't know the answer to either…
I love global politics, macroeconomics, apologetics, and hold firm to Post-Trib Theology π
I can't wait till September 1, 2012!!!