We all go through phases in our lives of second guessing ourselves. We doubt the paths we’ve chosen; we may regret decisions made or opportunities passed. We feel defeated, disappointed; we think we’ve somehow failed at life. That’s when we’re faced with the decision to either give up or get up.


“Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.”

My precious sister created a painting for my birthday last year with that exact quote on it. It has hung on my wall, and I have looked at it every day since. However, I never really thought about the quote and what it means to my life until recently.

It brought up a lot of questions that I have been asked time and time again, such as, “What are you planning to do with your life?” and, “How are you planning to use your degree?”…or my all-time favorite, “Why don’t you have a career in your field?”  It made me second guess a lot of things, and really had me on the search for answers. And let me tell you, if I had any, I would gladly offer them.

But I don’t. Because it’s not up to me. It doesn’t matter what my plans for my life are, or how I’m planning to use my degree. What matters is what God’s plans for my life are, and how He is planning to use me.

It just so happens that God is planning to use me on an incredible adventure next year called the World Race, and this is my “all or nothing” moment. No, it doesn’t require a college degree. No, it isn’t in my “field of expertise.” Yes, it is full of uncertainty and risk. Yes, I could be doing any number of other things with my life. But I can’t think of a better way to spend a year of my life than spreading the love of our Father all over the world.


Every decision we’ve made in our lives, every right or wrong turn, has lead us to where we are today. Every feeling of uncertainty, disappointment, and defeat has ultimately led us to victory in Christ. So whenever you feel like giving up, don’t. Instead, get up and see the incredible adventure our Father has planned for you, whatever it may be!



“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)