They came running with their empty bowls, cups, plates and mugs in hand.  Each ready to be fed.  All patiently waiting in line with giant smiles on their faces at the relief that was about to come.  Knowing that if they could wait just a couple more minutes their hunger would be satisfied.  This was the first time they had ever seen our faces or we had seen theirs, but as soon as their thankful eyes met mine a deep joy rose up inside of me.  This awakening of feelings all just churning inside my heart and soul.  Families were coming from all over the village, mainly children motivated by their anticipation of satisfaction.  
There were children beside me handing up their bowls trusting me to fill it with something that would quench their hunger.  Trusting me to give them food for their little tummies.  Tummies that are only filled today because we fed them.  

As they sat and savored every last bite of their food we were able to play with them and love on them and speak words of life into them.  And while I stood there smiling and winking at them or granting their wishes of one picture after another there was an immense joy that welled up inside of me.  What was weird is the joy overflowed from my helplessness.  Helplessness that came from knowing that when the food ran out that was it.  I didn't get to come back three times a day to make sure they were fed every meal and got all the nutrients their little bodies need.  But, I did get to come and pour that joy over them every time I got to turn their empty dish to a full one and watch them run off eager to get that first spoonfull swallowed.  I got to stand before them and love on them with unconditional eyes and hands.  I got to pick them up and joke and laugh with them.  I got to let them be a child of God for a brief time.  Something I don't think they experience very often.  
Learning that my helplessness will never meet their deprivation awakened my soul and silenced my mind.  It brought out this desire to want people to experience the satisfaction of God's provision.  For each person to know that God doesn't just want to meet their need once and walk away, he wants to meet every need, every day.