Great is Thy faithfulness! 
Great is Thy faithfulness! 
Morning by morning new mercies I see. 
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided; 
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me! 

This is the chorus that I've been singing in my head.  I found out on Saturday, while I was hanging out with some of my most favorite people, that I had an extra reason to be joyful that day.  I found out that because of the outpouring of my church family in addition to all of the support that's already been given and committed to be given over the next 11 months, I AM FULLY FUNDED!!!  I am beyond ecstatic and so completely humbled at the same time.

Now I know that God has always been faithful to me despite my lack of reciprocation over the years, but to actually pray that God would make Himself evident to me in ways that I couldn't miss it and for Him answer so blatantly has been so satisfying.   It's one thing to know that His faithfulness exists, but it's so much more to acknowledge it. 

There hasn't been a single moment that I have doubted that this is exactly what God has been putting in place for some time now.   Most days I still find myself not even really knowing how to ask Him eloquently to forgive my ignorance of His daily provision or trying to wrap my head around something that doesn't even belong in my head in the first place.  

But the consequence of being humbled daily by Him being blunt with me and making Himself so evident in everything that I would have to be a fool to miss it has been so rewarding.  It has made it unbelievably clear of how undeserving we are of His grace and how quick we are to take His grace and turn into entitlement.  We make the mistake of getting so used to His blessings and allowing them to waiver how we feel about His provision/plan/expectation for our lives that we allow it to gauge how close we draw ourselves to Him.  

Knowing that this is the life I led before these past 5 months has only brought one reoccurring thought, how stupid do you have to be to try and make Christ logical?  Nothing He ever does is logical, it never makes sense how He brought it to form, and usually by the time we are able to see all of the pieces He's put together so perfectly we are way beyond a point of the logistics even serving any purpose because He's already put you where He wanted you.

So basically all of this draws to one conclusion.

I am a completely undeserving, ignorant fool of a human, but because of Him, I am also a sought after, abundantly provided for and fulfilled daughter of God.