I leave for training camp tomorrow!! YES, tomorrow!! I can’t believe it’s here already, I finally get to meet the people that I will be spending eleven months of my life with! Serving Jesus, living in community, forming friendship, laughing, loving, fighting (then working it out), ministering, and worshiping our King, we get to do all of this TOGETHER! At training camp we will get filled with knowledge from people who have gone on the Race before and we will gain tools to help us minister to people, each other, and ourselves. I can’t stress how important your prayers are specifically at this time, a lot of change is coming our way! 

It’s hard to put into words what I am feeling right now, excited, thrilled, at peace, just a weee bit nervous, all mushed together! What God is about to do in the next two weeks and then in the eleven months on the Race, I don’t know exactly, but what I do know is that He is going to use this time to change me (and my team) and shape me into the woman He created me to be! 

Last month I posted a blog about my financial need to meet my first deadline. I only had $1,843 raised and needed $1,657 to reach my goal! That was only a month ago and I have since then raised $5,155!! Through people sending in money to Adventures in Missions, online giving through my blog, from people who have been faithfully handing me money every Sunday at church, and through two fundraising garage sales, God has provided the money! Is God good or what!? He answered my prayers to meet my first deadline and then some! I am so thankful for each and every person who has given time to help me with fundraisers, taken the time to pray for me, given financially and who have encouraged me along the way! It means the world to me that I have people who share my love for Jesus and support me as I follow God’s call on my life!  

Although I have met my first deadline, and praise God for that, I still have a long way to go! I still need all my vaccinations, and I need $7,500 to meet my next deadline on December 16th! Please join me as I pray for God to bring in the funds! 

Love, Alayna 🙂