Father, how Beautiful You are!
Like the vast expanses of space, Your Amazing Grace goes deeper
And still somehow You pour it all into my heart.
Like the Pouring rain, Your Blood washes down
Making me clean…Making me new…
Pulling me into You.
The Mountains tremble and the sky splits before You
And like the grass bends in the wind, so I bow before You.
You stand before me, SO Beautiful to Behold…
I lean into You…
I fall into You…
Deeper I go…
Harder I run…
No turning back…No turning back…
I choose Freedom… I choose to rejoice in this Divine Romance…
You have claimed me…
I am Yours.
Like the song of the birds or the song of the streams, so my heart cries out to You…
Like the eagle soars in the skies, so my heart soars Heavenward,
For You,Father, are more beautiful than the painted skies…
More Beautiful than the rose…
More Beautiful than the first day of Spring.
Oh, How I Love you, Father!!!
Draw me into You…
Deeper and Deeper I go…
Further I press into You…
I lean…I fall…
Falling…Falling…Falling into you.
My feet pound the ground echoing the pounding of my heart as I draw near to You…
Breathing becomes harder as I come to the end of this visible world…
I Dive…
I Plunge…
I am swept away by You…
I am Overwhelmed by You…
I draw near to You…
Breath stops..
Then Fire grows..igiting a new rhythm in my heart…
A Fire grows igniting new breath into my lungs.
And there You are crafting a newness in me…
A refined me… One self that others cannot deny the mark of the Maker…
You raise me up to see fully the Beauty of You.
And like the wind of the hurricanes You sweep me away…
Like the power of the thunder and lightning storms of the desert, You call me…
I run… I run hard in Pursuit of You…
Joy coursing through my body…
Joy coursing through my core…
I rise… Joy lifting me to the Skies…
You take my hand and Oh, how we dance…
Delighting in One Another…
I in You…
You in me..
I break… how could You Love me this much?
You pull me into You…
No words, just You pouring into me…
Love…Peace… Hope…
Hope arising  in me…
 I can do nothing but surrender…
I’ve long since passed the end of me…