Through the mist of the wood between worlds I stand on the rim of
this World
somewhere between waking and sleeping The air is
rich, and He is there
“Dive in I have
called you to this world
You will go and tell them about me about the
Life I offer
” He whispers.

And so I dive Only to find myself having
jumped out of bed and tripping over my guitar case into my open duffel bag.
Still, the echo of the wood between worlds lingers in the air. Looking out the
window to see the starry sky above, I smile deeply as I dive back into dreaming
God size dreams

The past few weeks have been hard to do so, though. With
everything seemingly refusing to work out for me, I began to be discouraged. I
kept repeating, “I know God will provide” but deep inside I was crying out for
Him to show up
“God, where the heck are You?! I thought I was
doing what You wanted me to do?!”

Silence was all I got, though or so I
thought. But in the past few days God has reminded me of who He is
and I am
reminded of that child-like spirit in me
the one that
jumps off the side of the pool when the father isn’t looking, but I jump
because I know He’ll catch me
The one who follows with reckless
who dreams
God-sized dreams and in the World just past the Rim of the Visible World, that
which has not been seen, is taking place
the world
where the impossible is happening all the time
Josh Wilson
has a song on his Album, “Life is not a snapshot” that sums up where God has me
as I smile deeply and prepare to dive deep into that which is unseen, unknown
because I
have proof that it is possible
just look around the proof is

“Some say we’ve all been searching
for a God for years in vain

And some say belief is just the easy way around
our pain

And sometimes I’d like to agree when they’re
telling me that this is all an accident

Cause it’s hard to let this heart believe when my
mind is screaming out I need more evidence

But do I really need more evidence?

I want a miracle, something impossible
So would you help me to believe
When You say everything that’s right in front of

Is all the proof I’ll ever need

I hear it in the winter wind that blows the icy
snow against my skin

And I see it in that summer sun that rises high
and then burns out again

And I feel it in my chest in the quiet moments
that I trust in what You say

Would you help me trust in what You say?

Maybe this is what it means to
question You and still believe

To search and still be satisfied, to know and yet
to wonder why

To put my faith things I doubt, to love what I
can’t figure out

Maybe this is what it means

To want a miracle, something impossible
But have the faith to still believe
When You say everything that’s right in front of

Is all the proof I’ll ever need
Don’t need a miracle, something impossible
That makes You easy to believe
When You say everything that’s right in front of

Is all the proof I’ll ever need

You’re all the proof I’ll ever need
So would you help me to believe”

-Josh Wilson, “Right in Front of Me”

Launch is not far off,
and my heart is overjoyed as I fall into that which He made me to do
Dream Deeply, for the word “impossible” does not confine our Father

“11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says
the Lord. “They are plans for good
and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
 12 In those days when you pray, I will
 13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you
will find me.”

-Jeremiah 29:11-13(NLT)