There has been an immense amount of spiritual warfare going on in my church, and with a dear friend. The enemy has been attacking in a cruel way and this weekend, there was a call to arms. This weekend, God called me and others to fight for a child of His who was under attack….and friends…while the battle was fierce and at times it seemed like the enemy might continue to have a hold…Seriously there were moments this weekend where the spiritual war became visible…. The clash of that which is unseen was exposed for a brief moment, and it is a fierce battle… But tonight as I drove down the 101 praying over that child who has been under attack and a sister who was with her tonight, I began to pray for peace, and protection, and that tonight God would claim His daughter… as I prayed, I felt God get in my car with me, and He said, “Alana, your sister is already home…she is safe…today we won”…And I felt it…that cry that heaven lets out when a child returns…when victory is His….I heard it…not full force, but I heard…and I couldnt help but join in…and God and I stuck our heads out the windows and cried cries of Victory…For the day was His… As I danced in the streets in front of my house, I saw the party in heaven, as the they cried out… closing my eyes I saw the battle field, the enemy hightailing it back to hell, and our Kingdom warriors were crying out in joy, hands lifted high, and joy…pure joy and peace lighting each of our faces. Now…I don’t know what exactly is taking place tonight with my sister, but I believe with every bit of my soul that God has claimed His child, and tomorrow, we kill the fatted calf and break out the best wine, we will invite everyone to come and celebrate for my sister has come home. I don’t even know if this makes sense. I do know I could not even hope to convey to you what I feel in this moment…I mean God is here…He’s here! I know Him! I know Him! but I long and ache to share this joy with you….It is moments such as this that make me excited and on fire to bring Kingdom on this upcoming race. TO be standing alongside, mighty kingdom warriors, shouting cries of victory as we watch God come join us and blow the enemy away with His light and salvation… so yeah…Today I rode with God in my car…Today…today was our victory… God is King, and we are His children, safe, secure, and loved fiercely…and that…is a beautiful thing…