…the more you have the harder it is to breathe!

Ever since I was a little girl I envisioned what my life would be like when I reached a certain age.  Getting married, finishing school and choosing a career, having babies, etc.  None of the things I imagined included traveling the world.  Even though it has been a dream of mine for a long time, it was almost a dream that I expected to never actually happen.  And here I am, 26, and my life is just that.  I celebrated my birthday yesterday with amazing people in India by getting my nose pierced and having the waiters at Pizza Hut sing me a birthday song to the tune “We Will Rock You.”  

The past year has been one crazy adventure after another.  I have learned more about God, life and myself through this trip than I have anywhere else.  Some of you have made the comment that I have done and experienced more in my 26 years of life than you have, being older and wiser.  Though that may be true I don’t consider this year my “good deed” for my life.  I don’t want to just check it off my list and remember “the good ‘ol days” of serving Jesus.  I feel like it’s just the beginning.  

I want to take the things I have learned from this year and have it propel me to greater things.  I’m not finished.  I haven’t arrived.  There’s more things I want to learn and experience.  Even though this chapter of my life is quickly coming to a close, a new chapter will begin.  And as you read a book, you may have an idea of what will happen but you never know until you actually read the story.  That’s kind of where I am.  I have a big picture in my head of what I think my future will look like, but I won’t know until I get there and it actually happens.  

So this birthday I found myself reflecting on this past year.  It’s been a great one.  Maybe even the best year of my life.  But I don’t want it to remain that way.  I want my 26th year to be even better than my 25th.  Why not?  I’m pretty sure that’s what God wants too.  So stay tuned…this girl’s got a lot of living left to do!