Prostitution is rampant in Metro Manila. There are approximately 500,000 women and 100,000 children involved in prostitution in the Philippines right now. Although it is illegal, sex establishments are all over the country.
Girls as young as 12 are considered “GROs” (Guest Relations Officers). They work in bars, brothels and even karaoke places. Most of them are trying to earn some sort of income for their families; they keep 30% while the pimp gets 70%. It doesn’t really seem fair but these women are desperate and often find themselves stuck in this inhumane business.
I had the opportunity to go to a red light district in Quizan City this weekend with Samaritana Restoration Ministries. We met Elena, 6 years old. We found her sitting by herself under an umbrella, on the side of the street, in the rain, at 10:30pm. We asked her what she was doing and she simply replied, “waiting for my mom to finish work.” At a karaoke bar there were 2 girls, ages 12 and 14 who were active GROs. Girls that should be having slumber parties, painting each other’s toenails and talking about who they have crushes on are instead serving alcohol and doing things with men I don’t even want to write here. In another bar we could see a mattress in the back where a 2 year old was playing with a toy. What are we supposed to do in those situations? I can tell you what I wanted to do. I wanted to take the kids away, letting their moms know a thing or two on what I thought about their “parenting style.” But what would Jesus do?
Inspired by Jesus’ example, Samaritana reaches out to modern-day Samaritan women. By offering them community, friendship and accompaniment, these women are slowly freed up to be who they truly are, as people loved just for who they are, regardless of their backgrounds, and valued for who they can yet become as they begin to trust in themselves and others and as they renew and pursue who God has created them to be. They have built relationships not only with the women, but the bar owners and pimps as well. Any woman who wants help in getting out of the business is welcome in Samaritana. They are trained in literacy classes, livelihood skills, intensive counseling, etc. The ultimate goal is for them to know who Jesus is and become responsible and mature members of society.
I was not able to get any pictures of this experience but I’m sure you understand why. Below is a picture of some of the Samaritana staff and a couple of women who have been rescued from the bars and are starting to be transformed from the inside out!