Life goes on.  I thought I realized that when I signed up for this 11 month adventure.  I can’t expect everything to be put on hold until I get back.  I knew that people would change, kids would become a year older, friends would get married, babies would be born and people may pass away.  I thought I knew that.  But this week it all became real. 

I found out my grandfather passed away on Thursday.  I felt helpless, I couldn’t do anything about it.  I’m in Costa Rica!  All of my family is together and I’m 2,000 miles away.  Needless to say, it was not the best day of the race so far.  I spent the morning crying, listening to worship music, journaling, I was able to talk to my family (thank God for Skype).  It is just a weird feeling that’s hard to explain. 

After praying and talking it through with some close friends, I have decided not to go home for the funeral.  I know that God has me here for a reason.  I signed up for 11 months away from home, away from family, away from everything I knew.  

I have an amazing community here.  They canceled plans Thursday evening to pray for my family and I.  I don’t know what I would do without them.  I am going to have to grieve his death whether I go home or not, and I think it would make things harder not only for me, but my family and my team if I were to leave.  I trust God and believe that growth will happen out of this.  For some reason God’s plan was for me to be here, and He knows what’s best.

If everyone who reads this could say a prayer for my family and I that would be greatly appreciated.