I really cannot believe tomorrow (almost today) is October 2.  Launch day.  Woah.  This will be my last post in the US of A.  Seems like so much has happened since I was officially accepted into this crazy adventure.  The time has come for me to say goodbye to my family, my friends, my comforts and head out to bring the kingdom of God into a hurting and broken world.

I feel excited, nervous, anxious, and a little freaked out…not gonna lie!  This time tomorrow I will be on a flight to Guatemala City then heading to Antigua.  Part of my squad is already there getting things ready for the rest of us.  We will spend the first few days getting adjusted to the city, meeting our ministry contacts and receiving some final training by the amazing WR staff.  After that…well…I’m not really sure!  But I will be updating my blog as soon as I can and as often as I can.

Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support.  It’s all come down to this!  I’m actually leaving…this is for real!  And none of it would be possible without YOU.  So thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  See you from Guatemala!!!

‎”He protected us on our entire journey and among all the nations 

through which we traveled.” Joshua 24:17

My belongings for the next 11 months.