I have been praying a lot for this trip, for the team, for the people we’ll come in contact with. But the main thing I’ve been praying for has been for our team to have unity. Everyone knows when you get 50+ people together, live in community, travel the world on little to no sleep, anything could happen!  It would make the 11 months we’re gone so much more pleasant if we were unified.  Like…really unified.

Unity is defined as “the state of being undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting.”  (Thanks Wikepedia!)    

In Colossians 2, Paul says, “…that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”

Unity is obviously important.  Hey!  Speaking of unity, I was tuning my guitar yesterday, good times.  I bought a pitch pipe so I don’t have to worry about batteries on the field. Anyways…I was tuning my guitar and when I was finished I went to play a chord, and it sounded worse than a cat in heat.  My ears started bleeding.  It was no bueno.  I checked my tuning skills, which apparently I need to work on. 

For those of you who may not know, a guitar has 6 strings, all of them a different note, and I thought at least 4-5 strings were tuned wrong.  I mean, it sounded awful.  So as I was re-tuning, only 1 string was out of tune.  1 string!  Seriously?!  That one string changed the entire tone of the guitar.  1 string.  Once I fixed it, sweet harmonious melodies sprang forth from my fingertips.  It was much better.

All of that to say; team unity is very important.  Even if most of us are in agreement, that one person or small group of people that are not can totally change the chemistry of the ministry we’ll be doing.  I definitely don’t want to be that person and I am praying that we don’t have an “un-tuned string” at all.  Selah.