M Squad at training camp in 2012, a bucket shower and squatty in Cambodia, my tent!

This year has been an incredible journey for me. I left the U.S.A. in January and headed out to the nations to share the Gospel with 50+ other believers. I have slept in my tent for 4 months, used squatty potties for 4 consecutive months, and taken more cold bucket showers than I can count. Obviously this is no where near the comfortable lifestyle you at home are used to, but this journey would not have been complete without these things.


You see, during the last 10 months I have learned several valuable life lessons, such as I am not entitled to anything in this world, and God has a perfect plan for me. You might be thinking “duh, Aimee. This is nothing new.” And I will agree with you on that. But it has taken me 10 countries, countless weird and obscure meals, a trip to the hospital for a week, and many hours spent in worship and prayer to really understand and grasp this.


On December 6th at 2:05 p.m. my World Race journey will come to an end. As bittersweet as this will be, I am ready to come back home and live out my life with a renewed perspective on what it really means to be me, Aimee Luallin. I am so much more than just another person, a Christian, or a girl who spent 11 months traveling the world. I am a daughter of the King, I am confident, I believe God answers prayers and heals, and I am ready to start the next chapter of my life. This will definitely be a big change for me and I might suffer from culture shock for several weeks. But I am ready. I might be a little nervous and intimidated, but I am ready.

I have plans to stay in Chicago with my friend Nicole for a few days before I fly to Oklahoma City on December 10th where I will be reunited with my sister, her husband, my brother and his wife, and my mother.  On December 16th I will fly home to Colorado so I can spend with time my dad, my grandparents, my mother, and some friends. And in early January I will head to Atlanta to spend a week with my fellow squad mates at a follow-up retreat/reunion to the World Race called Project Searchlight.

Me & Nicole, Logan & Kelly, Meagan & Doug


But what happens after that?

I have no idea. And this is where my nervousness and intimidation comes in. You see, in the past I have always had a plan. But often times my plans did not include asking God for provision and guidance. I have been praying and journaling about what I will do after the World Race ends. This time around I want God to show me and direct me as to what path I should take.

So this is where you come in. Yes, you! Will you please pray for me and ask that God will give me clarity as to what He wants me to do post World Race? And if you have any ideas or suggestions as to what I should do once I come home, please email me ([email protected]) or comment below and let me know. I am open to any and all ideas! (Even if it means moving outside of Colorado or Texas!)

Love you all and can’t wait to be back in America soon!