This month my team and I are staying at Pastor Peter's house in the outskirts of Kigali, Rwanda. We are so incredibly blessed in our living situation this month: we have beds to sleep in, a Western toilet to use, every meal is prepared for us AND the ladies here even clean our dishes for us! The best part about living at Pastor Peter's house is that he lives right near the Kigali airport, so we frequently hear the jets fly over as they come in for landing… it reminds me of my brother and dad 🙂

In the mornings we walk about 5 minutes to a nearby preschool called Faith Academy. As we walk into the school area, each one of us "Mzungus" (a.k.a. white people) are given about 20 hugs and have at least 5 kids fighting to hold our hands. We lead the little kids in VBS songs such as "Peace Like A River," "The Hippo Song," "This Little Light of Mine," "Jesus Loves Me," "The Hooky Pokey," "Deep and Wide," etc. We only spend about 30 minutes with these kids each morning before they head off to class, but it is such a great way to start your day!

The  biggest part of our ministry this month in Rwanda is to go door to door evangelizing every afternoon for a few hours. We are blessed to have a translator, Moses, come with us every day. I do not know how he decides which house(s) to visit, but I have enjoyed each house visit. Several people have accepted Christ into their hearts, and many others have agreed to come to church with us! Praise God!

Our month is not over yet, and I am asking God to do radical things in my life this month. Please keep my team and I in your prayers as we continue to share the Good News daily to lost people.

Love you all!