I am fully funded! Praise The Lord! Thank you to all of you who selflessly donated, prayed and spread the word about my mission trip! I feel so blessed!

I am currently in month 7 of the Race and my team and I are in Kigali, Rwanda, where we are evangelizing to local families. The first day that we were here evangelizing, a man accepted Christ in to his heart! Praise Jesus! I will write a blog on this in more detail as time goes by 🙂

Please keep my other two teammates, Gabe Bedford and Malerie Parenteau in your prayers as they still have not yet met the deadline of $15,500. They have just one week left to raise the money before they will be sent home. PLEASE HELP KEEP THEM ON THE RACE! Donations are easy to make online and only take abut 2-3 minutes. AND they are tax deductible!

Gabe is in need of $2,600. He is asking for people to donate $20 (or even $26) as his birthday is coming up on July 20th. Read his blog about it here. To donate to his fund, click this link and enter in your credit card info. 

Malerie needs $3,800. She is the furthest from the deadline and could really use some prayers and help. To donate to her fund, click this link and enter in your credit card info.

Thank you all so much for your help!