So here is the latest and not-so-greatest update for you all… I had two more chest X-rays done this morning and the results showed that I had a little bit more fluid build up from the last 2 days when I had the last X-ray done. Because there is more fluid and the fluid is somewhat "free flowing", the doctor wants to go ahead and extract it. He has several reasons for this:
  1. He is leaving on vacation tomorrow
  2. I am leaving the country soon and need to get better ASAP
  3. He wants to know what kind of fluid it is (and extracting it will help tell him)
  4. It will help me breathe easier overall
I will have the procedure done around 8 p.m. tonight when he is finished with his clinicals. I will be given some sort of local anesthesia and something to make me (somewhat) incoherent so I won't remember too much of this procedure since the idea of it still freaks me out. He is going to use a plastic needle to extract the fluid so if I cough or anything, the needle will not puncture my lung and cause further complications. (He will first use a metal needle to get in to my lung but then slip the plastic needle over it and pull the metal needle out.) 
The plan is to go ahead and remove as much of the fluid as he can tonight during this procedure. I think they are going to send some of it to the lab to test it, but I don't know how long it will take to analyze it.
At this point I just want to feel better and be with the rest of the squad and enjoy Thailand. My spirits are still high despite this bummer of a situation that I am in. Please continue to pray for a speedy recovery and that the procedure goes well. I am still blown away by how many people all over the world are praying for me, but I know God is hearing and answering those prayers, so please keep 'em coming!