I’ve found that I am now at a place where boldness isn’t optional. I spoke in front of my whole squad at our leadership development weekend about ministering to those who aren’t necessarily our “ministry” because the weightiness of hell has become so real to me. I can’t sit by anymore and watch people live lives that will lead to eternal damnation. I have to do something; I have to tell people, and I’m hoping if you don’t already see things this way that reading this blog might help spur you on to boldness. 

We all have seen, or are currently seeing people choose death. I don’t mean death here on earth; I mean eternal death. I see people who are on the path of destruction everyday. I see the prostitutes who live on my corner, the men who buy them, the people who litter my facebook feed with their plans of upcoming weekends they may not remember,  I see friends who’ve walked away from the truth, and I have friends who have yet to hear the gospel – all of these people searching for more. Searching for something eternal. 

There is a reason we as human search for eternal things – God put a longing for eternal things in our hearts from the beginning (Ecc. 3:11). What people are missing is that we’ve become numb by the trivial and blinded by the temporal. We’ve been condemned by the illusion that what we build here on earth matters: the material things we own, our bank account and our success in the eyes of others when, in reality, our lives here are short. Life is fleeting. Its passes by in an instant. We lose sight of the fact that what we do NOW, how we live, and who and what we worship has eternal effects. 

Personally I am sick of standing by and watching these people who are desperately searching for eternity slip away. I am no longer willing to sit quietly, to care if others see me as “radical” or “crazy”. I am taking the command we are giving in Matthew 28:17-20 seriously. God didn’t call certain people to missions, He called ALL of us! and more then that He COMMANDED us to go to all nations. I’m not saying we all need to get on planes, head around the world and forget those in our workplaces, neighbourhoods and  families. I’m saying that everywhere we go is the missions field! There are people everywhere who are on the path to destruction and without someone sharing the gospel with them how will they hear? And whats stopping you from sharing it with them? Francis Chan said, ” We cannot shrug our shoulders and move on. Too much is at stake, too many people are at stake and the bible has to much to say[about hell]”. 

So friends if you aren’t a believer and your reading this PLEASE contact me because I’d love to be able to tell you about an all surpassing love that meets you where your at. A God who loves you, no matter what you’ve done or who you are! 

If you’re reading this and you already know Jesus I urge you to not sit by any longer. Please stand up, take seriously the words of Matthew, and GO to all nations. No longer hold back, or stay quiet because the reality is that God commanded you to do this, and if you stand by and do nothing you’re allowing people to continue on their path to hell. 


Its not officially past my final deadline and unfortunately I am not fully funded, what this means is that you now have an extra month to help fund my world race experience. I am $4250 short of being fully funded. So if you’d like to donate please don’t hesitate and click the “support me” tab on the side of this page! 
Thank you so much to all the people who continue to support me. 
love you guys.