As I’ve spent most of this month in prayer (because of the nature of our ministry), I’ve been spending time in prayer over my post race plans. Over the options of post race plans I have, and over any new opportunities that may present themselves upon my return. As I was praying over this God gave me this verse.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

Upon reading this verse God let me so clearly see that He gives us the desires of our hearts. Not in the sense that He gives us whatever we want, but in the sense that His plans for our lives become the desires of our hearts the minute we choose to follow Him.  His plans are so much greater then the plans we make for ourselves [Proverbs 16:1-2 & 9] and that as we draw closer to Him that our dreams and aspirations will fall in line with His perfect plan for our lives.

Also He calls us to wait on His timing and to give up the things we find important [Luke 9:58-62]. When He called the disciples He said “Come with me” and they left everything they had. They brought nothing with them and they exchanged their plans for His. So much like the disciples God called me to give things up in pursuit of Him. This year God called me to give up most of my earthly possessions for a backpack, tent, and sleeping bag. I’ve given up my friends and family, for a community of people who have become my new friends and family. I’ve given up a source of income, for a year of giving. I’ve given up the comforts of home to understand new cultures and bring Jesus’ love to the nations.  I thought I was doing pretty well in the giving things up department.

However He is calling me to give up more things to Him. The few possessions I have with me are becoming less as he teaches me lessons in generosity. But the big thing He was calling me to give up when He showed me this verse is a relationship because its not in His timing.  He’s calling me to wait. I know that His plans are so much better then anything I could ever imagine and that in His timing this relationship will flourish.  Right now God’s calling me to a deeper relationship with him, He’s asking me to give it all up so that nothing is standing in the way of my pursuit of Him. So I’m choosing Jesus, I’m choosing pursuing Him with all that I am because that is what I came here to do.

So I encourage you to ask God what you can give up, to ask Him what is standing in your way of a deeper relationship with Him? To step out in faith and do what He is calling you to because His plans are greater, and because in His timing everything is beautiful!


If you’re interested in partnering with me in prayer please email me [[email protected]] to find out how you can be specifically praying for me & my team.

If you’re interested in partnering with me financially there are a couple of ways you can donate.

1) By clicking on the “Support Me” tab on the left hand side of this page and following the instructions.

2) By mailing a cheque to;

Miss. Aimee Labelle

19 Jones Lane

Brantford, Ontario Canada

N3T 0B1

Thank you to all those supporting me, without each and everyone of you none of this would be possible! Thank you for stepping out in faith & believing in me as I pursue Him, and aiding me in bringing His love to the nations. I pray that God will bless you abundantly as you have blessed me!