This video was made by our team and edited by the very talented Keri Lloyd.  Also, I have posted a few more pictures of Manila.  God has really been working on my heart this week and I find myself asking questions and seeking growth in areas I really would have never thought about before.  I am so grateful for His grace and His patience with me.  I am just amazed at His wonderful and perfect love – for us all! 
…a few fun facts I have learned while in Malina:
 1. While noticing there are no traffic lights or stop signs – this has allowed me to understand the true function of the  car horn.
 2. Just because starbucks serves “coffee jelly” that doesn’t mean it is good.
3. Filippinos do not speak English but they must read it – every sign, advertisement, store name, etc… everything is in English
4. The people here have hearts of honor and hospitality.  I have never encountered a people that are so polite, smiling, generous, friendly, and loving.
5. It is very hard to leave!
We are flying into Puerto Princesa tomorrow.  We then will take a 8 hour bus ride into El Nido.  This is a small rural village located on the beach.  I have been told that this place is one of the 5 most beautiful places/beaches in the world.  I am so excited to spend time worshiping Him by enjoying His creation – His beaches, His ocean, His mountains, His beauty!  I know it makes Him happy to see His children spend time loving Him this way.  We met with our ministry contact today and I am blown away by how amazing our ministry seems to be these next 20 or so days! 
Some facts about our ministry contact we will be working with:
ICM (International Care Ministries) – there vision is to release the poorest of the poor in the Philippines from spiritual, emotional, and physical bondage.  ICM targets the 15% of the Philippine population (12 million) who live below the Philippine subsistence standard of US$0.54 per day.  Subsistence means only enough for food and nothing else.  Among the Filipino poor, about half do not graduate from high school and 15% nover attend school at all.  ICM has many programs to aid in the community development of the poor with value/health care/ livelihood training, open air medical clinics, weekly food supplements, preschool program, parenting classes, rebuilding the slums into livable neighborhoods, and a malnourished children feeding program – this is a daily supervised meals for hundreds of severely malnourished children.
I am so excited to see how God uses our team this month.  I know what ever these next few days look like, feel like, and/or actually are, I know that He will be glorified, that we will be love, and that Kingdom living will be the normal!  I am so in love with my life! Oh, how He loves us!!