Last night God spoke to me in a very specific, very yummy way.  What He said to me was that He loved me very much, that I was His favorite (and so are you!), and that He really likes ice cream.

Earlier yesterday, I told some of my teammates that I would really like to have some ice cream today and one of the girls on my team said she would believe with me that God would provide it.  I told the team a story that my Pastor had told in church one Sunday about how sometimes he likes to buy his daughters ice cream just to see the happiness on their faces.  He explains that they didn’t have to do anything to earn it, but as their loving father – sometimes He just wants to give them ice cream.  So, I explained to my team that I was going to pray for ice cream and I believed God would provide it because He loves me… and as my Daddy – I know He loves to bless me and make me happy in very specific and small fun ways!

We went on with our day and had a lot of other activities, then…. I went out to fill up my water bottle and I saw a table.  On that table was gallons upon gallons of ice cream!  I ran back in to get my team and excitedly made them come look.  LOOK! GOD LOVES ME! WE GET ICE CREAM!  And, I must clarify that if I had received a small cup of vanilla I would have been just as excited and felt just as loved… but, God’s love is always more than anything I could ever expect so I didn’t just get vanilla – the whole squad got super banana splits.  I mean every kind of topping you could think of was on this table – chocolate syrup, cupcake syrup, marshmallows, coconut, sprinkles…. everything!

So, after I finished my heavenly sundae, I started to hear more of what God wanted to say and get across to me.  He was letting me know that I prayed for ice cream and believed He would provide – but inside I assumed for just plain vanilla.  He showed me that I do that with a lot of my prayers.  He showed me that I do that with a lot of my expectations of Him.  He let me know that He loves me more than I could ever imagine or expect and that He wants to bless my life and shower me with His faithfulness, glory, blessings, and love more than I could ever comprehend.  He was showing me it was alright to pray big (and small) prayers and believe for huge, over sized results.  

I prayed for ice cream believing He would provide (a small cup of plain vanilla) because He loves me that much.  God provided an ice cream buffet, with more stuff than I even knew to ask for, because He loves me that much more!  Oh, how He loves me…..