I knew my life was going to be taking on some major changes… but I don’t think I was ready for them to be so soon…

My last day of work was July 1st.  I looked forward to that day with excitement and anticipation, but as that day arrived and the hours passed – only fear and actuality remained.  I mean, it was kind of nice knowing that twice a month – just like magic- money was just mysteriously deposited into my bank account, by a person I have never met!  It was always the same amount and always right on time.   For nine years I have come to rely and find security in this action taking place.  Now I find myself unemployed and in a place where I have no choice but to rely on Him – to place my security in Him.  This is really happening!!! 

I find myself coming face to face with the reality of what is about to happen – The World Race – and I’m not sure if I am ready.  I am not sure if I even know how to prepare for something like this.

It seemed like it was more fun and exciting to talk about The World Race when it was far off and felt like time to leave would never get here… now it is so soon, and I am finding it hard to separate sheer joy from sadness, anticipation from fear…  

Training camp is 19 days away.  The days are slipping away so fast that I seem to be falling farther and farther behind on the “preparation”.  But I am finding that lately the only way I am going to have any success in preparing is just in surrendering.  As long as my focus and my diligence is to get to the foot of the Cross – to make sure I am focusing on kneeling at His feet – then all else will have to work itself out.  All I know to do is to read my bible and pray every day… As long as I focus on doing that – surrendering all to Him every moment – then He will just have to do the rest.  Because as the days are slipping away and the time for launch is approaching, I am finding out that I CAN NOT do this my self.  I can’t raise all the money, or be in “good enough” shape, or find the perfect formula to packing…. I can’t control any of this… I have to surrender it all to Him. 

Many things have been changing and will continue to change… but the mission stays the same – He is always the same.  Oh, how he loves me!!
I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb.  Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world! 
Jeremiah 1:5 NLT
(Quick support side note* – Thank you so much – $7.844.25 has been raised and only $6,455.75 to go!  I do have to have $8,500 by August 18th… that is only $655.75!!)