…You won’t relent until You have it all.  My heart is Yours.  Come be the fire inside of me.  Come be the flame upon my heart.  Come be the fire inside of me.  Until You and I are one.  I don’t want to talk about You like Your not in the room.  I want to look right at You, I want to sing right to You.  I don’t want to talk about You like Your not in the room.  I want to look right at You. I want to sing right to You.  Jesus, until You and I are one.  Until You and I are one, Jesus.  

There’s nothing we want more.  There’s nothing we want more.  There’s nothing we want more.  There’s nothing we want more. There’s nothing we want more.  There’s nothing we want more.  There’s nothing we want more. There’s nothing we want more.  There’s nothing we want more.  There’s nothing we want more.  There’s nothing we want more.  There’s nothing we want more.  There’s nothing we want more.  There’s nothing we want more.  There’s nothing we want more.  There’s nothing we want more.  There’s nothing we want more.  There’s nothing we want more.
Than You Jesus.


It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning,
your faithfulness in the evening. 
You thrill me, Lord, with all you have done for me! 
I sing for joy because of what you have done!
Psalm 92:1,2,4 (NLT)

Awesome God, Loving Father.  You are too magnificent for my mind to comprehend! Oh, how You love us.  Oh, how Good you are!  Father, may Your Name be kept Holy.  May your kingdom come soon.  Father, help us honor Your Name.  Come set up your Kingdom.  Father, reveal who You are.  Set the world right.  Our Father, who is in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name.  Your Kingdom come, Your will be done – held Holy and revered – on earth as it is in Heaven.  Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord, God, Almighty!  Lord, Your will be done.  Your will be done on earth!  You said that every knee would bow at the sound of your Name…. your Holy Name!  Lord help us speak of You, talk about You, declare change in Your Name, Jesus.  Father we ask that you come dwell inside of us.  Come burn in every part of us Father.  Our hearts are Yours, Lord.  My heart is Yours, God.  We hunger for you, God.  We hunger for you.  Lord, let our love be like a fire, let our lives be like a flame, fill our souls with your desire, let our passion bring you fame.  It’s all about You Father, it is all for Your Glory… it’s all for You!  You are Everything and Everything is for You.  I am for You.  Make me more like You.  Lord, we boldly ask that you set us ablaze – burning hot for you!  That You keep us burning by Your might and  by Your passions and by Your will and that we set fire to our city, our nation, our world… that they come running, Father, because they see the light of your truth and feel the warmth of your love – they experience the reality of your passion for them because it is exploding out of us Lord!  God, set me on fire! God, set me on fire! Lord burn away everything that is not of You and refine me Lord – purify me like the Gold – make me beautiful as you are beautiful! MAKE ME RELENTLESS FOR MORE OF YOU!  THERE IS NOTHING I WANT MORE THAN YOU JESUS!  I am so in love with you!  WE ASK FOR MORE OF YOU JESUS… THERE IS NOTHING WE WANT MORE THAN YOU JESUS! – There is nothing I want more… AMEN.