buyYou may know the story in the bible of the young man that asks Jesus what else he must do to go in to the kingdom of God. He did everything the law said he must do. 
Jesus answers with: Sell everything you own, give the money that you receive from it to the pour and follow me. (Matt 19:16-30) 

It will cost me everything to follow him. The story of this man came to me a couple of weeks ago, when I decided to go and live with amazing friends, what will save me lots of rent money.  They offer me a room in their house to stay in during the 7 months before going on the worldrace. The room is not that big, and I can only bring some clothes and important stuff I really need to use. 
At first I wanted to store most of my stuff. But than the story of this young man came across..

This next question came thru my mind over and over .. 

why would you store all your stuff.. why aren’t you selling it all and the money you receive from it give it to our adventure…’ 

I was shocked at first. I didn’t think I would ever sell all my stuff and start al over when I return. But then I started to ask myself.
How long do I store these items?
Will I miss them for almost 1,5 years?
Will i be using them?
Can they serve a better purpose?
Of course! Other people can be so happy with these items I otherwise would store.

I decided it was time to say goodbye to thinks I always thought were so valuable to me. 
My tv for example. I never watch it. I always watch movies on my laptop. I wanted to store this because it is an awesome tv! What a stupid reason if I don’t even use it!

I came to mind that the things I own, should serve a purpose and if they don’t, it should leve my house, my life. So last week I de-cluttered my stuff and organised everything to sell it on a great party at my house next week.

A new adventure starts by selling everything I own give the money to the kingdom of God.

And follow Jesus in everything.