F stands for Faith, Freedom, Family, & Fabulous!!!

This is the F Squad..!


Last week I got to experienced the World Race just for 10 days. Oh yeah it was Training Camp!! Woop Woop! I have to say that it was amazing. I can’t believe how God spoke to me. I was not expecting that. I was seriously expecting to just go there and learn what we were going to do during the mission trip and guess what… it was more than that!

1.So my week started with rain, which I am used to, but this time I was sleepin in a tent. That’s was fun actually, except for the part that they took my backpacks for a night and I was so cold and wet. I still can’t believe that I am not sick. God is good!

2.Food was amazing. Every single day we had a different type of meal.. Asian, latin american, european..

3.We got to worship the Lord with so much freedom! I was amazed.

4.I also have a team. I will be spending the first 4 months or maybe a whole year.. who knows?? 

5.The most amazing thing that God teach me was that where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. WOW that’s something that I thouht I knew and understand! but NO.. I just did. The Holy Spirit has supernatural power in us. This is something that I know but this past week was the first time to experience it by my own. YIKES!!!

6. God also set me free from so many chains that I had and gave me again my spirit of JOY! I cant believe that all this happened in a week. I cant wait to see how God will work on the field. 

7. It’s all about Christ and not me. I always need to be reminded about that one. THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE.

8. I can’t wait to see what he’ll be doing in 11 months, if this past week was amazing for me a can’t believe how it would be the next 11 months. 

I am putting all my faith and trust in Christ. I am really hoping to go and serve God in this amazing way. I still need people to fundraise me. My first deadline is coming soon, the 20th of June and I need about $2700. 

Would you mind helping  me with a LOVE offering, just fundraise me with how much as od is telling you, $20, $50, $100, $300.. really it doesn’t matter how much.. I know God will duplicate that! (If you are sending a check let me know if not just click to youur right and SUPPORT ME!)

Love y’all so much!


(Here is a picture from Training Camp and was taken from Jake, he’s part of my team!)