Happy to see you here!
This blog is all about my teammates. We’ve all heard “where you treasure is, there you heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21), right? Well I would like to put that to the test.
I have two teammates, the lovely Miss Cara Parker and the lovely Ms. Rebecca Weaver, who are in need of funds in order to be able to complete this race. Many of you reading this have partnered with me and stepped up big time so that I was able to be fully funded by the beginning of the race. I come again to you humbly asking that you prayerfully consider supporting my two teammates.
Cara Parker – caraparker.theworldrace.org
-Graduate of the University of Texas with a Marketing/Business degree
-Very deep thinker with a big heart and a great laugh
-My personal running buddy in Guatemala and now in every country we share together
Rebecca Weaver – rebeccaweaver.theworldrace.org
-Recent nursing grad from the University of Florida
-Direct and bold but caring and loving
-Huge baby lover. We have had to convince her that now is not the time to adopt a baby, and will likely have to convince her of that in the future
(She’s doing our team sign, for our team name “WoW”)
Please consider donating to my teammates as they need your help! Please take some time to pray about this and if you feel led, please donate by going to their blogs and clicking on the link to donate on the left-hand side of the page!
Thank you all and God Bless!