$10,296 raised to date (Sept 15th)
10,296 unexpected blessings.
56 people have given.
56 friends, family, and strangers have sacrificed and believed God was going to move! And move He has.
Ireland: God opened my mind to the bigness of his kingdom. The freedom in which He works. The Glory in which He desires to manifest on every square inch of this little planet we call earth. God used me to help feed the hungry, clothe the cold.  To love people I don’t know because He loves them. To pray!
Ukraine: God reminded me how he is still in the business of redemption. He is still in the business of taking our mistakes and using them for His good. He opened my heart to the kindness of people I’ve never meant. He gave me a Father. He spoke to my heart on a hill overlooking a cornfield next to a slum while goats played all around me. He taught me that the little things matter. To listen!
Moldova (2 weeks in): God reminded me that his arms are still big enough to hold me. To hurt when I see others hurt. I want what’s best for others over what is best for me. He reminded me to be honest with Him; He can take my frustration and hurts. He showed me injustice that I didn’t think I could handle, and He told me I could do something about it. To see the battle that goes on in our life’s every single day. He redeemed my past. He let me play with special needs orphans. To see!
God has moved. He’s moved in the peoples lives that I’ve been able to minister to. But more than that he has moved in my life. He has changed me. He is working on my Character. He is working on me as a Friend. He is working on me as a leader. He is working on me as a man.
I have a deadline coming up in the next 2 weeks. I need to have $11,000 in my account by October 1st to stay on the race.
$704 in the next 15 days.
$704 to continue my race and get me into Africa.
$704 to see God continue a work in my life in the nations.
I need your help. So many have given already, so many have sacrificed.
Please know that every single dollar counts. Whether you are a broke college kid (Most of my friends) that can give $5-$10 or you are able to give more. Every dollar matters. Please don’t listen to the lie of the enemy that says you don’t matter. You do matter.
Also know that is takes about 4 days for online donations to hit my account and it can take 7-10 business days for checks to enter my account.
If you would like to give you can Click Here to do it online securely.
If you would like to read about what God has been doing in my life check out my past few blogs below.
A Damn $20 bill
Dear Aim (Thanks for the dad)