Hey there everybody, whats been going on? I can tell you a little of whats going on with me. First of all I would like to thank everyone that supported my fundraiser to shave some hair. It was a super success and now I have very little left to raise to be fully funded. God is so amazing isn’t He. It was a long and arduous task but I have removed hair from all the places that I said I would and here is the proof….

Thank you once again to everyone who supported me and I pray that God will bless you as you have blessed me. I pray that you will continue to follow along with me on this adventure God has for me because you too are a part of this adventure. It is because of you that I am able to be the hands and feet of God to these people. To anyone else that is following along with this blog I pray that God would speak to your heart and that all the funds needed would come in. God bless you all and stay tuned because there is more to follow.