Hey everyone!!

I wanted to give you a little bit of an update. I am currently in Cambodia at month 7 debrief…yep going into month 8 and not going home until I’ve completed 11. Well that is if I can continue to raise the funds that it takes to stay out in the field.

I currently still need to raise $4,639 to be fully funded. But I’m not alone, there are 17 other members of my family that are still in need of financial support. With all 18 of us we still need to raise approximatly $42,000. Yeah, I know right, that’s a lot…to us, but not for the Lord.

As a group we are doing a 48 hour prayer-a-thon during debrief. We all are taking shifts to pray however we wish. It started at 11 am(Cambodia time) on 3/31.

I signed up for both of the 2 am slots.

So what is running through your mind right now, that girl is cray cray…sleep please…someone is going to need coffee & cover up in the morning? These are very valid concerns, and Thank you!

For a couple of months now almost every night I have woken around 2am, with out fail. Sometimes its just a wake up and roll over back to sleep and others I just feel like I need to spend time with the Lord; talk, pray, think. He knows me so well that, during the day I just go go go; that i’m trying try think of the next thing I can do for someone. So it appears that this is the time that he is giving to me for me.So because of this I signed up for the 2 am slots.

I set my alarm for 1:55 & 2; just in case I hit the snooze button. lol But of course I didn’t need either alarm. I woke up, rolled over, reach to check my phone for the time and than the 1st alarm went off. Who needs alarm clocks when your on Jesus time. 

I decided that I would listen to a worship playlist and just thank the Lord for all that has already been provided and all that will be provided…because I know it will be provided. As I started praying I felt that I should also write down my Thank yous. Which got a little confusing because as I would say thank you for one thing it would make me think of another and than another, and than I would forget what I started at. lol…Here is my list:

Thank you Lord for…

-iSquad family

-each individual person

-each heart

-the words that we speak over each other

-the world race

-11 countries

-a beautiful kingdom

-letting us see people and the world through your eyes





-being here


-every person that has and will pray for us

-every person that has and will donate

-our love for each other

-our fight for each other

-your plan

-your love

-your presence

-your provision


-all the other thoughts I had in my head but forgot to write down.

Every moment of every day there is always so much that we can be thankful for.

During this time I also got to spend almost 2 hours with my awesome friend Laine. (Yeah, she’s cray cray too) Oh how I do love sitting and talking with her…I just love her. We talked about our prayers for the squad and for ourselves. How we are children of the king…we have access to everything that he has, & he has everything…it is not something that we have to wait for…we can have it all NOW…eternity is NOW!

I am so grateful to have these amazing people in my life. We love each other so well! When I think about my iSquad family and the thought that we may not be able to go through this journey together my heart fills, I become so overwhelmed with emotion. I love these people, I love the person that they have encouraged me to be. They make me stronger and together we are stronger.  

As I sit here writing this…yes still up & going strong…the sun is rising in Cambodia. Thank you Lord for another beautiful day! (oh also this seems to be the only part of the day that you don’t sweat like crazy, I kinda wish I had a jacket…lol #dothoseexistinCamodia)

I don’t like asking for money so I’m not going to…I’m asking for partnership!

Would you please consider joining me on this journey if its through continuous prayer, prayer through out our pray-a-thon, sharing this post with a friend or donation. Any of these would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you for being awesome and reading to the end of this post!!

If you are interested in joining me as a prayer partner I would love that…send me an email, [email protected], I would love to be praying for you too.

If you would like to share this post with someone, well that is easy. There are buttons at the top and bottom of the page that allow you to share on multiple social media options. 

If you would like to donate you can do so by card through this page, just click on the Support Me button. If you would like to donate by check or money order please make them payable to Adventures in Missions with “Appealed by Ada Kessler” in the memo box and please mail to:  Adventures in Missions PO Box 742570 Atlanta, GA. 30374-2570


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!