So I came this close to forgetting to post my video about country #2. Good thing I couldn’t fall asleep lol 

So here is some insight into where I will be when I turn 27(OMG getting OLD) 


Month 2

Birthday Month

October 2014 




Also it is not to late to join in on $11 on the 11th

What can $11 buy you?

– A movie ticket.
– Dinner at Chick fil a
– Starbucks for a your & your bestie
– Two five dollar footlongs from subway.
– An opportunity for God to be glorified in 11 countries.
– Investing in my journey to allow God to use me in ways I can’t imagine.


If interested in showing your support, would you please prayerfully consider joining me on this journey by donating $100 or another amount? All donations made to AIM are tax deductible. You can make a donation by choosing the Support Me button at the top of the page.

Most importantly, I ask you for prayers! Prayers for myself, for my teammates, and the nations that we will be visiting. There is no possible way for me to go out into the world to share Jesus’s love with the nations if I do not have an army behind me praying.

You can keep up with my worldwide adventure through my blog at I encourage you to subscribe to my blog and share it with others. I would love to share more with you and answer any questions you may have; please contact me at [email protected].

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog as well as your continued support and prayers; it truly means a lot to me.


With love
