At the beginning of this race, the word "preach" fell heavy on my heart. I could see myself standing before strangers in a foreign land, a lump forming in my throat, breath quickening, thoughts scrambling, His perfect message of love hindered by my own fear. Silly girl. He's faithful to equip me for whatever He calls me to. He's faithful to bring about victory over every fear.

So… last week I stood before warm, curious faces in a church in Rwanda , and I PREACHED. And can you believe I was even excited? The entire day, my team covered me in prayer. Every time I was tempted to worry, His presence and promise of faithfulness would wash over me and I would laugh and return to a place of rest and excitement. He is faithful.

So, here's the heart-to-heart that took place with me, God, and my new family in Nyagatare, Rwanda….

Lately I’ve been talking to God about hunger. I’ve been asking for a growing hunger for His Word and Spirit. I’ve been asking Him to do a new thing in me, in my ministry team, in my family. I’ve been asking God for what He has already promised. When I arrived in Africa, God began to ask me, “Are you willing? How willing are you?” I can trust that God will be faithful. It is His nature. He’s conforming me to His nature and asking, will I be faithful?

The passion in me says, “Yes, LORD, I’m willing. I’m willing unto death. I would give my life. I would give it all.” We’re eager to declare that we would give verything to God, that we would give our lives. We say that we will be faithful with big things but then stumble over the small things. Before we can be faithful in the big things, we must be faithful with the small things.

So what are the things that hold us back from being faithful? Often it’s fear and pride. In fear, we put our trust in the power of outside forces. In pride, we put our trust in our own power. In faith, we put our trust in the power of God.

Matthew 25:14-30 The Parable of the Talents

Matthew 25:24, 25
Then he who had received the one talent came and said, "Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed. And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours."

Because of fear, the servant who received the one talent is disobedient and buries the talent in the ground. He does not trust his master’s command. His concern is for himself and not for his master. He knew that he did not have the power to bring an increase from the investment. He fears punishment and does not trust the nature of his master. Though he knows that his master reaps where He has not sown and gathers where he has not scattered seed, he does not trust what his master has asked of him.

I John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

God calls us to do difficult things. He is not going to ask you to do something you cannot do, but He will ask you to do something you cannot do without Him.

Maybe God is asking you to sing, preach, trust His provision, trust His healing, take a stand for truth though people oppose you, love someone who does not love you. He is asking you to be willing, to be faithful in trusting in His faithfulness. Though you cannot do these things on your own, you can when you rely on His Spirit.

We are not obedient because we are sure of the outcome of our obedience. We are not obedient because it’s easy. We are obedient because He loves us, because He is trustworthy.

Is God asking you for your willingness? Is He asking you to be faithful in a word, deed, or hope?

It isn’t easy or comfortable for me to speak in front of people. But God asks for my willingness, and how can I deny Him? He is worthy. And He provides all I need to accomplish what He asks. He gives words, courage,  love, power. I can be faithful to Him, because He has been faithful to me.

His perfect love will free us from fear and empower us for obedience. 

And even when we misstep and fall in flesh, in fear, He will remain faithful. He will say, "Try again, Love. Give just one flap of your wings and trust Me to carry you the rest of the way."

I John 4:19
We love Him because He first loved us.

II Timothy 2:13
If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.