I made it! I am officially in the Dominican Republic. It is absolutely beautiful here. Our compound is in the middle of the mountains in a small town called Lajas De Yaroa. We are partnering with a ministry group called Hope for the DR which works within the community to help spread the gospel in different ways. Our group is split up into 3 teams which are focusing on children’s ministry, women’s ministry, and door-to-door evangelism. My team (the Worthy Pearls) choose evangelism because it terrified us the most! We figured that evangelism is why we are here, so why put it off the inevitable.

We met with the local pastor in Lajas to find out the biggest needs of the community and got several names of people who had medical and spiritual needs. This past week has been more community evaluation focused week. We have been continuously prayer walking throughout the town and asking the Lord to help guide us. Tomorrow (Monday) we will begin door-to-door EVANGELISM!!! Yay!

It’s crazy to think that I’m actually on the World Race. Like I’m actually in the DR with my team. It’s awesome!!! I cannot wait to be pushed and step into full boldness. I know that it will probably be the hardest thing I ever do, but I know that I am here for a reason and I’m up for the challenge!

By the way… I’m on team Worthy Pearls!!! (The most awesome team ever!)

– Abigail Sheckells
– Anna Street
– Jackie Halyard
– Jourdan Miller
– Kerri Klenkel
– Maddie Grimm