As I count down the days til training camp begins in Gainesville, Georgia (22 days), I am slowly but surely purchasing/finding the gear I need. This past weekend I made the drive to Cincinnati to the REI camping store to purchase my tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and backpack! Cha-ching!$!$!$ That was an expensive trip. But I know that I have to buy quality gear if I want it to last me the whole year. Everyday I think of something random or I read another blog telling me about an item a previous racer wished they had brought. Things like febreze spray, baby wipes, or extra headphones… (things I would have never thought I needed). All of this has been extremely overwhelming, expensive, but also super exciting because with each day I am getting closer to my launch date!

With all of this preparation, it is super easy to get caught up in the craziness and forget the real reason for all of it. I have been trying each day to set aside some prayer time (usually in my tent which is set up in my living room) and just allow myself to be present and vulnerable with God. I keep getting this weird feeling inside where I don’t know whether to scream with excitement or cry. It’s hard to put my feelings into words because they are changing everyday, but it’s okay because I know that everyone else on my team is feeling the exact same way.


Aside from the upcoming training camp and launch, I am doing great! I am finally unpacked completely after I just moved up to Floyds Knobs, Indiana from Stuart, Florida. The weather is beautiful right now and I am enjoying getting to hang out with my cousins and explore the town. I got a seasonal job at UPS working on a package delivery truck in November and December. And yes, I get to wear one of those awesome brown uniforms! (be jealous!)