So sorry for not posting the last couple of weeks we had our spring break and I was finishing up my school work before break, but I am excited to be writing this post so here goes nothing hope yall like it!

Praying can be hard with the distractions, thoughts, and all the stuff that ends up interrupting you ONLY when you’re trying to pray. I always end up getting distracted while I pray and then I lose track of what I was praying for. Instead of praying all at one time each day I have started having conversations with God all day. I started my day talking with Him about what I have to do and asking His advice on something going on in my life. As my day goes on I continue to talk with Him about school, my friends, family, and anything else that’s on my mind. 

Praying doesn’t have to be the traditional: Dear Heavenly Father…..

you can just have a conversation with Him, praying about your worries, praising His goodness and blessings in your life as if the Lord is sitting with you (which He is). I love thinking of it as us meeting for coffee and just chatting up a storm as we drink our dark roast from starbucks. God is you father but He is also a friend you can talk to. So even though the traditional prayer is great to do, for the people like me sometimes the best way to learn how to pray without distractions is to just keep the conversation flowing between you and your best friend (AKA God). 

After awhile of just having a regular conversation with God I was able to stay more focused during prayer because all the things I was thinking about while I was trying to pray I already thought about because I told God during our earlier conversations. By becoming more comfortable talking with God you can pray more openly, discussing and truly praying over the things you need to instead of having a deep prayer being disrupted by….oh I need to do my math homework, and I still need to return those library books….wait what were we talking about again? (see what I mean?)


God wants to talk with you, He wants to be your best friend. Praying and having a conversation are so similar but starting out by just talking to him leads to a better foundation for when you pray. My conversations are almost always the same but let me tell you this, God is a fantastic listener and He doesn’t get tired of hearing about all the things you want to tell Him. 

I tell God about how excited I am to meet the people I’ll be living with for 9 months, and how I cannot wait to hold the children who have nothing and yet they have more love for Him than anyone else. How I get to walk alongside the broken and lost, guiding them to His unending love. I tell Him all about the fears I might have, but that my faith overrides all the things that tell me not to go. We talk about my brothers and parents, my friends and all the things I’ve lost and gained. I look back on the conversations I have with Him and realize how important it was to have them so I felt more comfortable and less distracted while praying. 

Have that conversation with God, let Him listen to your joyful and hurtful moments and everything in between. Then pray without all the distractions that you faced before.

I hope you have a great week everyone and have fun talking with your best friend!