Thats right everyone! The first place my team and I will go to on the race is ALBANIA!   

Here is what Albania looks like for those who don’t know (and don’t worry I had no idea where it was either!) and although this is the country we are going to we will not know the where we will be stationed there just yet. Once I find out at training camp you guys will be the first to know! I am so excited to meet the people that live there and I’m even more excited to share Jesus with them!

In other exciting news you guys have helped me raise $3,070!! YAY!! I’m absolutely over the moon that we have broken $3,000 and even though I’ve still got a long way to go I know that God will provide!! Thank y’all for all your support and help with the Race, it means the world to share this huge step in my life with you guys.

Have an amazing week and once again thank you for all your amazing support!