When people hear the word miracle they think that it has to be some huge gift from or healing from God. What people don’t realize is that each day God blesses us in so many different ways that we may not think are miracles because of how small it is but when you add those small miracles up they become huge.

Senior year is amazing, being able to see how far we all have come since we took our first steps into RHS. Even though it has been fun it has also been very stressful with college, fundraising, thinking about leaving my friends and family, and now prom is coming up. Seems like a lot right? Sometimes I feel like there’s not enough of me to go around for everything but God blesses me with the smallest of things that keep adding up to huge miracles. 

Earlier this week my close friend Claire asked me if she could drop something off that I left at her house and all I could think was “Well I don’t remember leaving anything at her house but who knows I’m all over the place no wonder I don’t remember!” After an awesome worship practice I came home and Claire, her mom, and my old youth leader were all at my door. I had no idea what was going on when I opened it to find Claire’s mom recording me on her phone. As I was trying to figure out what was happening Claire gave me an envelope and Joy said that my church, Roswell United Methodist Church, is doing a Make a Wish campaign where people nominate someone to receive their wish. Claire’s wish was that RUMC would donate money to the World Race. I couldn’t help but tear up not only because of my fears of fundraising were diminishing but that my amazing friend would bring light to my needs. Small Miracle #1.

Senior Prom is coming up and I cannot wait for it! Most of my friends have gotten their dresses and prom is still 2 months away which you would think is crazy until you start trying to find a dress….thats when the stress sets in. I do NOT like spending money on something you would only wear once so when I started looking and realized that thekind of dress I wanted was more then $500 I thought “welp….looks like I’m wearing a paper bag since thats in my price range!” My awesome friend Laura (we are basically twins) ended up not going to prom last year but she still had a dress. I asked if I could try it on and possibly borrow it and when I did it fit perfectly and it was EXACTLY what I wanted, from the detailing to the color. I couldn’t help but laugh because God heard the cry of my heart and He made it happen through my incredible friend. Small Miracle #2

 The very last Small Miracle of this week was through my mom. She met up with a friend for coffee and while they were talking she happened to mention me in their conversation. Without asking for it my mom friend wrote a check for my mission trip for $100 which will put me over $3,000 in funds. when my mom handed me the check all I could think was, “Jesus you are one funny guy, bringing me up when I’m feeling down.”

Those three things are small when they are by themselves but when put together they become HUGE miracles and blessings. Keep the faith, and no matter what be grateful for the blessings God has given you.